Boland Hits Back at Leapy Lee in Euro Weekly News
I was angered by Leapy Lee and Sir Michael's description of the late Jade Goody as a ‘foul-mouthed, uneducated and completely untalented product of everything that is wrong with our society today.’ Parkinson also added: ‘Goody came to represent all that's paltry and wretched about Britain today’. These statements can be analyzed in a two parts 1. Everything that is wrong with our society today: She was a product of her environment —
criminal, drug addict parents on a rough estate — Jade Goody was uneducated, easy to mock and easier to judge. Sadly, a great many people, people rarely portrayed in the media as anything more than scum, genuinely identified with her and that is more of an indictment of our society than of Jade Goody. But, I believe that Goody stood for everything that’s good in our society. She was a survivor who without education, without any real parenting ( after her dad was thrown in jail) she cared for her drug addicted mother who was unable to contribute to ANY household chores after loosing the use of her arm after a motorbike accident.
Jade at the age of 13 had to beco

me mother to her pathetic mum, the odds against this young girl were stacked against her and yet she made good and built up a fortune of over 8 million pounds. Unlike other ‘celebs’ we rarely saw Jade falling out of late night clubs flashing her fleshy bits for the sake of the shock factor. No, what we saw of Jade was as a loving mother and a caring daughter and granddaughter an astute business women all in all a success!! Does she not stand for what’s GOOD about great Britain’s society today and should be applauded and not frowned upon? But then again hasn’t Britain always been a nation of knockers. .2. Uneducated and completely untalented product: Uneducated yes, here is what John Finagin "Never make the mistake of thinking that Jade was not intelligent. Anyone who can run a media career and a business has to be really, really, smart." She had a great talent, in fact, many talents. She had the talent to grasp opportunity and capitalize on it. What a lot of people didn’t know was that Jade managed herself and didn’t surround herself with a group of highly paid ‘advisers’. One must remember the press where very cruel against Jade when she first alighted onto the scene calling her Miss Piggy, Fat and Ugly and again over the Shilpa Sheppy affair and yet this untalented youngster, who didn’t even win BB, in fact she came fourth!! Went on to amass a fortune. She was also quite a talented little actress , I saw her in pantomime and thoroughly enjoyed her performance, no, not an Oscar winning one but surprisingly good She ran several businesses and a substantial property portfolio and a talented caring single mum . Now, ask yourself Leapy, how many ‘Untalented’ 27 year olds with Jade Goody’s background has made it as good? There are two schools of thought over the way she exploited her death but given the chance anyone reading this would you not do everything possible to leave your children a substantial inheritance to deal with there education especially if you to had the type of upbringing Jade had? We should never lose site of the fact that she had brought great awareness of cervical cancer and in her name a petition has been brought forward to the government to bring down the age of smear testing etc. Stupid? I don’t think so, uneducated yes, but stupid absolutely not. No, she’s not what is wrong with British society she is what’s good about British society. Jade Goody has shown, against all odds, that no matter how bad things are and you believe life has dealt you a terrible blow you can pull yourself up and make something of your life. Lets hope other underprivileged kids born in our inner cities can follow her example.