The Boland Show Fridays Guest List: Its not often that Boland feels fazed by a guest his first guest up is certainly making him research that bit extra hard He is no other than Three times Irish Taoiseach ( tee-shock, prime minister) , Bertie Ahern he is often described as an enigma and is Irelands longest serving prime minister since Eamon DeValera. In his frank and revealing autobiography he gives his own account of a remarkable political life and the personal story that accompanies it. He will talk us through his negotiations with Tony Blair and the IRA bringing about the Good Friday Agreement,. He is the working class boy responsible for making the Celtic Tiger roar!! Ahern has been on the cutting edge of Irish politics for three decades. He will describe the cost to his family of a life played out in the public eye and, for the first time, discloses what really happened in his final weeks in power. As we know by now one of Boland’s favourite TV shows is the secret millionaire, he enjoys bringing theses unique men and women on his show and this weeks no exception. if you watched the channel 4 show on Wednesday evening you would have seen Pimlico plumbing boss Charlie Mullins visit three charities in Warrington before giving each a 20,000 pound grant. Charlie, a good friend of ours here, is a self-made plumbing magnate. How many of the memoirs and autobiographies that we read are in fact true and not the bogus writings of the author? in 2008 Oprah fell for two separate literary hoaxes, one of which was her interviewing an elderly couple who had apparently fallen in love as children in a concentration camp. their story and book was a complete lie and they had made up the whole thing. Melissa has written a book ‘ telling tales – a history of literary hoaxes’ where she lifts the lid on many of these false memoirs. Boland on Friday at 10am, 9am UK time. Listen live on . http://www.talkradioeurope.com/
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