Monday, 2 November 2009

The Boland Tuesday guest list: Boland returns this morning with a full guest list after missing yesterdays show due to his late night appearance on the WOW Factor: First up is Garry Bushell, Gary, as most of you know, is Britain’s best known TV critic he’s also known to have a love/hate relationship with the soap opera ‘Eastenders’ So he’s decided to write a book following the show called ‘1001 Reasons Why Eastenders is Pony’ a hilarious guide to cock ups, errors and rubbish plot lines that make up the BBC TV’s biggest show.
It was only last week on the Boland Show he had a guest who had written a book looking at the life we live under ridicules political correct rules in Britain today, but, don’t we all remember a Britain where doors were left unlocked, children played in the streets and neighbours would look out for each other? Bolands guest David Kynaston will be discussing his new book looking at A Vanished Britain…
Its not often Boland invites a guest back so soon after they had been on his show but Anjem Chouary is an exception, he shocked Bolands audience last week as leader of ISLAM4UK with his claims that UK should come under Sharier law that Number 10 should be an Islamic headquarters and a Muslim clock should replace nelson on top of his column!! Well he’s still at it this time claiming Britain’s war dead should be sent to hell!!! Boland will be catching up with Anjem finding out how the weekends protest march went and exactly how many Muslims turned. And finally Edward Lucas will talk about his life as an ex pat behind the Iron Curtain and his memories as he witnessed the Berlin Wall coming down 20 years ago.. Boland on Tuesday at 10.

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