The Boland Show Guest List Thursday 3rd Dec….. Have you ever wondered what were the likes of Kerry Katona, Paris Hilton, Kelly Osborne and Sheryl Gascoigne famous for? Well Boland first guest certainly poses that question: What exactly is it he does”? He is Callum Best, son of football legend George Best. So what was it like growing up with a famous alcoholic dad, bedding some of the worlds most beautiful models, living the life of luxury and all seemingly without working. Maurice will be getting a few tips from Callum of how to live the celebrity life style…
Fancy becoming an overnight millionaire? Well, perhaps on the Boland show you might just learn how. Maurice’s next guest, Andrew Paul, a newly divorced city banker is giving away his millionaire lifestyle complete with his luxury home, car and boat in a competition that anyone can enter for 20 pounds!!!
Next up on the guest list is Islamic fundamentalist Anjem Choudry who will be talking us through yesterdays attack by Muslims on Muslim Tory Baroness Warsi and will be putting the question to Anjem; Is this a new resurgence of a banned group of fanatics who want the flag of Islam flying over No 10. Anjem who heads up the banned group Islam4UK and has vowed that the flag of Islam will fly over Downing Street in 20 years time!!!! (ever notice what a nice class of guests Boland gets on his show???)
Should we believe the statement issued by Jacob Zuma, South Africa new President, who has promised to expand treatment for those suffering from HIV. Daniel Howden, who is the African correspondent for The Independent will report from the region and explain exactly how the President intends to usher in a new ‘Era of Openness’ on HIV and AIDS. Boland on Thursday at 10am
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