The Boland Guest Tuesday Guest list 23rd Feb: Today’s headlines scream: ‘Brown in Bullying Scandal’. Or: ‘No10 Staff Called Bulling Helpline’ ‘Brown Goes on TV to Deny Hitting’ …An anti-bullying charity revealed yesterday that it has received a string of complaints about Prime Minister Gordon Brown… Boland’s first guest Peter Watt is ex General Secretary of the Labour party and spent 10 years working with Gordon Brown will give us an incite view on life under Prime Minister Brown and answer the question ‘did he ever witness any bullying at No 10. His best selling book ' Inside Out: My Story of Betrayal and Cowardice At The Heart of New Labour' is on our website…
Many of us enjoy the smash hit TV show ‘Secret Millionaire’ in fact many of these millionaires have been guests on the Boland Show. For those of you who have never seen the show.. real life millionaires go under cover in to some of the poorest areas in Great Briton and only reveal there identities at the end of there week after deciding to help certain people who they feel are deserving, they include charity workers school teachers etc etc but Boland’s next guest does the secret millionaire thing with a new slant: Millionaires Seema Sharma returned to Mumbai in India where she took part in a special one-off programme. Forfeiting her luxury lifestyle by going in undercover, living on a very small budget by moving into one of Asia's biggest and most notorious slum which was used for the location of the Oscar winning film ' Slumdog Millionaire. It was a fascinating program and Boland will talk Seema through her time spent living among the slum inhabitants.
Boland next guest Billy Moore will tell us What is it really like to be a contestant on Britain's Got Talent? Billy Moore, The 84 year old yodeling contestant will explain how he survived the auditions and the panel and perhaps Maurice will persuade him to Yodel !!!!
And finally Michael Foley's will tell us about his book ' The Age of Absurdity' is an unusual and entertaining investigation into how the desirable states of well being and satisfaction are constantly undermined by the age we live in. In short, modern life makes it almost impossible to be happy.
Boland on Tuesday at 11pm
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