The Boland Show Wednesday 24th Feb….. Horrifying figures show that 843 mothers in Scotland have been charged for neglecting their children in the past five years and a further seven were charged with sexually abusing their own youngsters. And it's not just moms - grandmothers, sisters and friends of the family are also making some kids lives a misery. Courageous Dana Fowley waived her right to anonymity to bring her mother to bring her mother to justice after suffering years of sexual abuse. She has written a book ' How Could She' is her compelling and shocking story of her battle to stand up against the men who destroyed her childhood and the mother who committed the gravest betrayal of them all.
The newspapers headlines are full of the break up’s of celebrity marriages , The Coles, Ashley and Sheryl, The Prices newly wed Katie aka Jordan and Alex Reed not forgetting Peter Andrea and what about the Tiger. Well no one know more about celebrities behaving badly than Boland next guest PR Guru and good friend Max Clifford who will talk us through the trials and tribulations of celebrities divorces etc….
Being a Wednesday that means Enterprise on the second hour of the Boland show and as usual Maurice will introduce three very successful entrepreneurs who will explain how they made it, the up’s and downs of there path to successes and tips to getting to the top.
Boland on Wednesday at 11am….
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