The Boland Show Thursday 6th May
Gordon Brown suffered a humiliating blow to his credibility on Tuesday as a Labour candidate, when Boland’s first guest Manish Sood, described him as the 'worst Prime Minister' Britain has ever had. With less than 48 hours of campaigning to go, Manish called the Prime minister ' a disaster' and said the party's election campaign was wrong. Not good timing one thinks????
Maurice’s next guest was once a refugee to England, Dorothy Bohm has photographed the life around her for 60 years and now has an exhibition in Manchester. Dorothy was born in East Prussia and when she was 14 her father, Tobias Israelit, who was already suffering Nazi persecution, sent her for safety to England. As he said good bye to her he handed over to her his camera and so began her life in pictures.
Gipsies human rights are more important than the concerns of local residents, according to new planning rules. Guidelines made public on Tuesday mean planning inspectors will favour letting them set up sites and stay on existing ones, while complaints will be largely ignored. Onh the Boland show guest list is Shay Clipson is a Romany Gypsy living in Lincolnshire and is a mother and grandmother. Gypsies are the most hated minority in Europe despite centuries of persecution and the holocaust, it is claimed. Up to half a million were killed by the Nazis but their plight is often forgotten and they remain demonised. Shay is passionate about promoting a positive image of the Romany people who must be the most misunderstood people in the world today.
And finally where talking butterflies!!!! Maurice’s last guest is Clive Farrell who decided to invest 11 million pounds - which he had made through property investments - in a scheme to turn a huge patch of former scrubland near Hertfordshire into a wild haven for tens of thousands of butterflies from Britain and around the world. It is already open to visitors but when the farm is finished in two years time it will be the biggest butterfly tourist attraction in the world!
Boland on Thursday@11am
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