The Boland Show Wednesday 11th May: Childless couples from around the world are travelling to India to have babies by surrogate mothers. They say it's their last chance and that everyone benefits. Since 2003, 167 surrogate mothers have successfully given birth to 216 babies at the Akanksha Infertility Clinic, run by Boland’s first guest Dr. Nayana Patel and her husband, Hitesh. The pregnant women at the clinic are mainly of lower caste and from impoverished nearby villages and the pay they receive following a birth is equivalent to over 10 years salary. But is it really an equitable relationship or an example of westerners’ exploiting the world's poorest women by paying a fraction of the price that they would closer to home. An amazing story that needs to be told.
The British government is desperately hoping to transfer everyone's medical history to yet another massive, centrally-held, government-controlled database, making patients medical records potentially viewable to hundreds of thousands of NHS staff nationwide. The plan is for patients' medical data to be uploaded by default, unless the patient actively objects - an 'opt out' mechanism. That is, if you do and say nothing, your data will be uploaded. The NHS is now scaring patients into signing up to its controversial database - by claiming that those who refuse, run the risk of receiving the wrong test results or the wrong drugs. Maurice’s next guest Dylan Sharpe, campaign director of Big Brother Watch has said that the whole handling of the care record system has been sneaky and under hand, with the government doing anything to prevent people of opting out of the system. Big brother is watching you!!!
Being a Wednesday the second hour of the Boland Show is ‘Enterprise’ where Maurice introduces to three successful entrepreneurs who will explain how they made the fortune: Phillipa Aldrich, was a famous and successful London property lawyer juggling her responsibilities to her retired parents. She was horrified at the many utilitarian products, available specifically for the elderly or disabled market, such as lamps, cook ware, 2 handled teapot and mug were dull and looked as if they belonged in a hospital. She decided to form The Future Perfect Company, a product design company which has modernized these sort of goods.
Next entrepreneur to enter Boland’s Den is John Hughes. There is no end to the horror stories that we hear on a daily basis abut investments made abroad that have resulted in failure of the developer, the real estate agents or other beneficiaries who fail to fulfill their obligations and promises. If you are having difficulty with your developer, or if you have placed a deposit with a developer and he threatens that you will loose it, then John Hughes, founder of www.lostyourdeposit.com will hopefully be able to help. John Hughes, who has been in business for many years in the UK having had printing businesses and also being a consultant to Local Authorities and Universities culminating in running a successful Printing company, with over 50 employees and a million in turnover. He decided to retire at 55 and is now an investor in Spain, Portugal and now the Eastern Block
And finally: Kevin Green who has created a substantial residential property portfolio since 1999, when he climbed onto the property investment train and bought his first deal. Previously, Kevin was a successful dairy farmer in south Wales increasing his family's business from 40 to 400 cows.Kevin bought his first smelly property using credit cards to bridge finance the deposit and mortgage at 85% loan to value. .
Kevin is now a multimillionaire, not surprising for someone who believes actions speak louder that words. He is involved in a number of successful companies and property related business. Land development , lease options and commercial deals form a major arm of his business today together with his continued growth of the buy to let portfolio.
Boland on Wednesday@11am
3 RD week in September 2010.you spoke of the pope.but if you know your history.you will know that the Greek royal family.become fascist under Hitler, and was thrown out of Greece. Philip came to Britain for safety .and married Elizabeth .who is now our Queen.So we have the Husband of the Queen of Britain .And the Father of the Next King of Britain.Who was a big Friend of Hitler.And you talk about the Pope.BUT THE BIGGEST STORY SO FAR.And the talk Radio Started it in Europe.Was when you Interviewed I.Moret .On one of your shows .Thousands of your listeners listen to it.All about the Skull and Bones.Who killed two Presidents of America.Who did not do as they were told,.They must have full control of all their Members.80% of the Representatives in the White House of America are Members.Because they are looked after very good by the Skull and Bones, But they must do as they are told.They own the World Bank.Started the French Revolution, First World War, Second World War, Even Financed Hitler.Now all the MPS in the House of Commons, Even the Mayor of London.The Royal Family are Members.It is Frightening,if you don't know much about it.Listen to I.Moret and Myson Fagin.They are Controlling America and Britain.You must Listen to to these Tapes.After all your Radio Show Started it.In America they are holding Meetings in every State.By Myson Fagin.Its all over the Internet.Youtube.How can you possible Vote any more in Britain.who ever you vote for is a Member of the skull and bones and taking orders from them.I know it is frightening,if you lisen to these tapes they tell all of this.So please have a Discussion on your show for your Listeners.They say they even run the Army .Navy and Air force,(haarp.)DON'T LET YOUR LISTENERS DOWN.WAITING TO HEAR WHEN YOU WILL BRING IT ON THE AIR.